Indoor pints are back.
With coronavirus cases falling and vaccination numbers increasing, Glasgow has now moved to Level 2 of lockdown restrictions- finally! The First Minister confirmed the news earlier this week, consuming alcohol indoors, meeting indoors, overnight stays and visits to the cinema and theatre can all return from midnight on Friday 4 June into Saturday 5 June. Here’s what you’ll be able to do under Level 2 restrictions.
Changes from June 5
Up to eight people are able to meet outdoors. The maximum number of people who can meet socially outdoors in a private garden or in a public place such as a park or an outdoor area of a café is eight, which can be from up to eight separate households.
Licensed hospitality can serve alcohol indoors. Restaurants, cafés and pubs will be able to resume indoor service with alcohol permitted, with the three households/Rule of Six still applying and two-hour dining slots. There will also be a curfew of 10.30pm for those dining indoors, however alcohol can be served outdoors under local licensing restrictions.
Cinemas, theatres, concert halls, hotels, hostels, BnBs, self-catered accommodation and sports stadiums (subject to capacity limit) can all open. Large sectors of the economy can return, and staycations can also return with hostels and hotels open once more. Meanwhile, theatre shows and Hollywood releases could make a return. Advice says up to 100 people can attend indoor events, 250 will be able to attend outdoor events, or 500 with seating.
We can see friends and family indoors, in groups of six from three households. Some social limits remain on indoor socialising, but family and friends are now allowed to reunite indoors and overnight stays are permitted.
Adult sport and exercise classes can resume indoors.
Weddings, receptions can take place with up to 50 people. Cap on numbers at funerals is the same, in line with how many people can safely be accommodated in venues.
Travel across Scotland is now allowed with overnight stays. You can travel anywhere in Scotland in Levels 0, 1 or 2 but must not enter a Level 3 or 4 area.
Travelling abroad can return, but only to countries on the green list.
Registered visitors to care homes can increase. Two named regular visitors are now allowed.
Hugging friends and family is now allowed. No need to maintain physical distance with friends and family in a private home or garden.
Nicola Sturgeon told Holyrood on Tuesday that although stable and starting to decline in the city, cases remain high, and she urges people to continue to be cautious. Other areas also under Level 2 restrictions are: Edinburgh, Midlothian, Dundee, East Dunbartonshire, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, Clackmannanshire and Stirling.
For more information on the restrictions and guidance head to the Scottish government website here.