Panto fans, rejoice! Following a smash-hit performance of The Magical Adventures of Aladdin last year, panto will be delighting Pavilion Theatre this Christmas. Treasure Island will run from November 30, 2023, to January 14, 2024 and will star Liam Dolan, Scott Fletcher and Jack Jester.
The tale follows Jim Hawkins, who has come across a treasure map. He, his wee brother, Willie and their mammy, Henrietta then set on an adventure to find the gold before Long John Silver and his pesky pirates. The group’s journey is set to be jam-packed with all the traditional Pavilion Panto fun, as well as plenty of laughter, music, stunning sets and costumes.
The Pavilion Theatre opened its doors in central Glasgow in February 1904, designed in the French Renaissance style that graces visitors to this day. A noteworthy pantomime tradition started in the 1930s at the theatre, featuring many of the most famous names of the Scottish variety scene. To name a few, Harry Gordon, Dave Willis, Jack Anthony, Jack Milroy and The Krankies were just some of the well-known names who have entertained audiences over the years as part of the Pavilion pantomime.
Treasure Island is produced by Imagine Theatre, a family-owned pantomime and family theatre production company run by husband-and-wife team Steve and Sarah Boden. Working alongside the Bodens is Associate Producer and Head of Celebrity Casting, Laura Taylor, as well as Artistic Director Eric Potts.
So, the final casting is confirmed as The Pavilion Theatre Glasgow’s annual pantomime Treasure Island, featuring some old favourites as well as new faces.
The tale will star Jennifer Neil (Polly Pollock) joined by ensemble Ava Judge, Carmen Judge, Deone Gilespie and Kiran Macintosh, alongside the previously announced Liam Dolan (Willie Hawkins), Stephen Purdon (Pirate Pilchard), Grado (Pirate Pucklebum), Jack Jester (Long John Silver), Scott Fletcher (Jim Hawkins) Wullie Brennan (Squire McClunkey) Valissa Scott (Dame Henrietta Hawkins) and Elaine Mackenzie Ellis (Sea Legs Senga).
According to the organisers, “this year’s Pavilion Panto promises to be the best ever as the spectacular pirate-themed adventure promises to continue to pavilion tradition as the most raucous panto in Scotland!”
To book this year’s Pavilion Panto, head to Pavilion Theatre’s website.