Rome may be a few hours away from Glasgow, but you’ll be able to get a taste of the Eternal City right here at home with a new exhibition gracing our shores this summer. Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition brings with it the chance to gaze up at Michelangelo’s mesmerising masterpiece without having to fork out for a flight, or even set foot outside Glasgow.
Taking place this June at the Old Ice Rink at Braehead Shopping Centre, Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition will utilise licensed high-definition photos and a special printing technique to reproduce the look and feel of the artworks in the Vatican. You’ll get to see the 34 frescos like never before; close up in intricate detail.
The exhibition has already enchanted crowds around the UK, in cities such as London and Birmingham, and internationally, in the likes of New York, Vancouver and Brisbane. The High Renaissance reproductions will span floor to ceiling; you’ll be able to take in David and Goliath, Jeremiah in his jewel-coloured robes, and of course, the iconic Creation of Adam, where outstretched fingers are suspended centimetres apart indefinitely. Amidst the frescos, informative signage and audio guides add to the experience, providing insights about the original artworks.
The ability to get so up close and personal to these artworks will be a real one-off treat. Unlike the Sistine Chapel itself, you’re free to snap away with your camera or smartphone, capturing the works and memories to look at long after you’ve left. Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition encourages visitors to see the centuries-old artworks from a new perspective. It’s a must-visit for art aficionados and travel lovers alike.