Ah, the age-old desire for alchemy and eternal life. Alchemists have been experimenting with potions and lotions throughout the ages, trying to unravel the secrets of aeons and immortality. However, the place where we live is just as important, as well as said lotions and potions, our lifestyles and more. Well, Glasgow was named as the second youngest-looking city in the UK, and it looks like we’re in the right place.
Lookfantastic conducted research unravelling the youngest-looking city in the world. The results have proven the place we live and environmental factors, like noise levels and sunlight hours, are important for healthy skin, as well as our lifestyles, quality of sleep, stress levels, drinking habits and our quality of life.
The results concluded Glasgow as the second youngest-looking city in the UK, and the best city for lowest UV exposure in the country. With an overall score of 82.9, with a quality of life score of 194.81. Thanks to our very cloudy and rainy weather, Glasgow has the lowest annual sunlight hours and average UV index in the UK, at just 961.6 hours yearly.
To help you compare how little sun we get, Barcelona gets just over 3,000 sunlight hours every year (it is also the worst city in Europe for skin ageing)…
The best city in the UK for youthful skin is Stoke-On-Trent, with an overall score of 84.2 and an average yearly sunlight hours of 1,112.
Bournemouth was named as the worst city in the UK for skin ageing, being the second highest in the UK behind Brighton for sunlight hours, while London took second place on the backward list.
The best cities in the UK for youthful skin
- Stoke-On-Trent
- Glasgow
- Belfast
- Edinburgh
- Sheffield
- Middlesbrough
- Liverpool
- Newcastle
- Leicester
- Bristol
The worst cities in the UK for youthful skin
- Bournemouth
- London
- Brighton
- Southhampton
- Nottingham
- Cardiff
- Leeds
- Manchester
- Birmingham
- Coventry