Who knew house plants were such a great stress reliever? We’ve now entered the fourth week of lockdown and truth be told, it’s not getting any easier. We’ve baked, we’ve meditated, we’ve attended online fitness classes ...
The Glasgow climate could be as hot as Cardiff by 2050. Climate change remains an ever-present threat, despite the coronavirus pandemic sucking up much of the media oxygen over the past year. And as if to remind us of t...
Found yourself developing a few bad habits? Haven’t we all. There’s something about lockdown that has us questioning exactly who we were before the Coronavirus outbreak, with our lives transforming rapidly in a very sho...
The UK scored highly when it came to the best National Parks in Europe… There’s nowhere we’d rather be than the Great Outdoors, especially since we’re all being asked to stay home at the moment. And as if to remind us o...
The stranded orca is believed to be about three to four years old. Whales are a relatively common sight to see around Scotland’s Orkney Islands, but a beached whale is a pretty rare scene. That being said, locals...
So 2021 isn’t really going the way we had envisaged… With a new year and two vaccines being rolled out across the country, most of us saw 2021 as a new chapter and the beginning of the end of this pandemic....
Puppies as young as four months old are being rehomed. Following a massive surge in interest over lockdown for puppies – which forced prices to skyrocket to as much as £3000 last summer – hundreds of puppies are now bei...
Zoom. Disco. Yoga. Three great activities wondrously melded together. Picture a cauldron that blends something the lockdown has given a career to (Zoom), something you’ve been missing (dancing to loud music with other p...
If just one designated, state-approved outdoor exercise of the day isn’t enough movement for you, never fear. It’s time to get into some top-quality yoga. How many times have you meant to get into this craze but never g...
Over half of the UK’s energy came from wind power on Boxing Day. Despite everything – and I’m sure you don’t need a reminder of what “everything” is – this year, there have been a few bright spots in the news this year,...